02 Jan 23 – New Year’s Resolutions

Today’s Topics: 1) Greg gives a history of the origins of New Year Resolutions from the ancient Babylonians through the […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Greg gives a history of the origins of New Year Resolutions from the ancient Babylonians through the time of Rome under Julius Caesar, to today

2) As Catholic men we should resolve to make prayer central to our daily activities; “Ora et Labora,” “Pray and Labor,” starting each activity in the name of God. Greg and Mark spoke about how each prays the daily rosary with their respective groups and how that has impacted their spiritual lives. Another resolution is to read the lives of the Saints daily to provide us examples of leading good Catholic lives

3) We must resolve to: go to the Sacrament of Confession on a regular basis; conduct a daily examination of conscience in the evening to help us discover what we have done well and what we need to improve on; make regular visits to the blessed sacrament where we can listen to what God is directing us to do

4) We should resolve to increase our fasting, sacrifice, and Mass attendance. By fasting, we learn to control our base instincts which when in control allows us to focus more clearly on Christ. In sacrificing we imitate Christ in an effort to become more like him and assist those in need. In regular Mass attendance, which we are required to do, we witness the greatest example of sacrifice that the world has ever known. In shifting gears to the Knights of Columbus Council level Brothers should resolve to invite men to join the Order, to become more active and in doing so evangelize themselves, their families, and their communities

Theme: “Salve Regina” performed by Floriani. All rights reserved. Used with permission. For more information please visit Floriani.org

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