04 Oct 2019 – Where’s the Mass in the Bible? Guest, Troy Guy

Today’s topics: 1] Finding the Fallacy: Glittering Generalities 1a] Meet the Early Church Father: MARIUS VICTORINUS [fl. A.D. 355] Marius […]

Today’s topics:

1] Finding the Fallacy: Glittering Generalities

1a] Meet the Early Church Father:


Marius Victorinus was born in Africa about the year 300 A.D. He distinguished himself in the secular estate as an orator in Rome, and was converted to the faith about the year 355 A.D. Jerome remarks concerning his doctrinal writings that they are very obscure and can be understood only by the learned; and of his commentaries on the Epistles, that they prove “the learned orator can never have studied theology.” The date of his death is unknown.

2, 3, 4] Troy Guy on Where’s the Mass in the Bible?  http://discoverhischurch.com/