06 Feb 2020 – Trump’s SOTU Speech Sounded Very Catholic

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmakjKVSl60[/embedyt]Today’s Topics: 1) Gospel – MK 6:7-13 – Jesus summoned the Twelve and sent them out Bishop Sheen quote of the day […]

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmakjKVSl60[/embedyt]Today’s Topics:

1) Gospel – MK 6:7-13 – Jesus summoned the Twelve and sent them out

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

2, 3, 4) 2020 State of the Union Transcript https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/nation-world/president-trumps-full-2020-state-of-the-union-speech/507-8a670a5b-711b-49a6-b7c6-682240c0e64a


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