06 Sep 2019 – Satanic Infiltration into the Catholic Mass

Today’s Topics: 1] A Foretaste Of Amazon: Demonic Masks Appear During Bishops’ Mass https://gloria.tv/article/gPSowTC8EpZk31qwEr4EXMax6 2] Uncle claims Virginia triple homicide […]

Today’s Topics:

1] A Foretaste Of Amazon: Demonic Masks Appear During Bishops’ Mass https://gloria.tv/article/gPSowTC8EpZk31qwEr4EXMax6

2] Uncle claims Virginia triple homicide suspect made chilling admission before killing mother, sister, nephew – https://www.aol.com/article/news/2019/08/29/uncle-claims-virginia-triple-homicide-suspect-matthew-bernard-nightmares/23803408/?guccounter=1 

3] Satanic Temple head: ‘More than 50% of our membership is LGBTQ’ https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/satanic-temple-head-more-than-50-of-our-membership-is-lgbtq 

4] Q) Are good angels stronger than bad angels – https://jesseromero.com/blog/are-good-angels-always-stronger-demons 

  1. Q) Hair gel with skeleton on label https://jesseromero.com/blog/bad-hair-days                         
  2. Q) Can demons repent are they sinned – https://jesseromero.com/blog/can-demons-repent-after-they-sinned
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