08 Apr 2021 – 255 Male Inmates Have Requested Transfer to Women’s Prisons

Today’s Topics: 1) Men Are Coming: 255 California Prison Inmates Have Requested Transfer to Women’s Prisons Since January https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/men-are-coming-255-california-prison-inmates-have-requested-transfer-to-womens-prisons-since-january_3764385.html?&utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email2&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-04-06-2&mktids=7502b26275e1f2ec99ea4baed9763e40&est=iVk9KpoLrs7uQgqXzw6Vg%2F2BvofE7cxgn5Kk17AeuZZrx20D6dJoDJ%2FI80uB%2BxBlmZQ%3D%3D 2) […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Men Are Coming: 255 California Prison Inmates Have Requested Transfer to Women’s Prisons Since January

2) Professor Brian Keating (astrophysicist at major University) gets nervous when he hears someone say “follow the science. That’s not how science works and never has.” Scientific knowledge is not wisdom

3, 4) Blessed Anne Emerich was a stigmatist, received the crown of thorns, was a victim soul, was given the gift of bilocation, and she lived on the Eucharist alone for 12 years

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