11 Oct 2019 – What Every Catholic Needs to Know About Indulgences

Today’s Topics: 1) 1 Cor. 1.4-8; Matt. 9.1-8 2) WATCH: Pagan cry of ‘Mother Earth’ enters St. Peter’s Basilica for […]

Today’s Topics:

1) 1 Cor. 1.4-8; Matt. 9.1-8

2) WATCH: Pagan cry of ‘Mother Earth’ enters St. Peter’s Basilica for Amazon Synod’s opening Mass https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/watch-pagan-cry-of-mother-earth-enters-st-peters-basilica-for-amazon-synods-opening-mass

3) Instruction on Indulgences

4) Should we pray for ‘our Holy Father’s intentions’ even if a pope has bad intentions? https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/should-we-pray-for-our-holy-fathers-intentions-even-if-a-pope-has-bad-intentions

Prayer for gaining an Indulgence

We beseech Thee, O Lord, graciously accept the petitions of Thy holy Church, that Thou wouldst deliver her from all adversities, root out from her all heresies, unite all Christian rulers and princes, and exalt Thy holy Church on earth, that we may all serve Thee in peace and quietness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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