11 Sep 2019 – Catholic Washington Update & an Archbishop Speaks Against Marijuana

Today’s Topics: 1] Gospel Luke 6:20-26 Blessed are you who are poor. Woe to you who are rich.                        2] Update […]

Today’s Topics:

1] Gospel Luke 6:20-26 Blessed are you who are poor. Woe to you who are rich.                       

2] Update on Washington Prolife news with Fr Frank Pavone.

3] Marijuana and Catholic Belief by Archbishop Aquila December 11, 2013 https://denvercatholic.org/marijuana-catholic-belief/ “Everything that you gain while being high is stolen. Jesus says anybody who does not enter through the gate is a thief coming to steal. So the contemplation brought, the awe and wonder brought in the time of being high is ultimately a stolen moment.”

4] Msgr Pope does an outstanding job of what priests should say at a funeral mass without being callous or disingenuous.  Having had to bury my mom 2 months ago and now a good friend last week, this topic is good so that people know that we can’t have people canonizing our friends and relatives at the expense of neglecting our doctrine of Purgatory – http://blog.adw.org/2013/11/a-funeral-sermon-designed-to-teach-on-the-last-things-and-inspire-prayer/

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