13 Jan 2020 – Can Catholics Worship with non-Catholics; Liberals Transforming our Schools

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igBu7zIBdyw[/embedyt]Today’s Topics: 1) Gospel – Mark 1:14-20 Repent and believe in the Gospel Bishop Sheen quote of the day […]

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igBu7zIBdyw[/embedyt]Today’s Topics:

1) Gospel – Mark 1:14-20 Repent and believe in the Gospel Bishop Sheen quote of the day

2) Can Catholics worship with non-Catholics https://onepeterfive.com/worship-non-catholics/ & http://www.christendom-awake.org/pages/thomas-crean/praying-with-non-catholics.htm

3) The New Far-Left Curriculum Transforming Our Public Schools www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/12/the_new_farleft_curriculum_transforming_our_public_schools.html#ixzz680xsXkAa

4) The parallel between Notre-Dame and the Catholic Church itself. Our Church is saved by those who run into the fire, not by those who pretend it’s not burning http://www.uscatholic.org/articles/201907/parallel-between-notre-dame-and-catholic-church-itself-31779

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