13 Oct 2020 – Is the Panic more Dangerous than the Pandemic?

Today’s Topics: 1) Gospel – 1] Luke 11:37-41 Give alms & behold,everything will be clean for you.                       Bishop Sheen quote […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Gospel – 1] Luke 11:37-41 Give alms & behold,everything will be clean for you.                      

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

2] COVID-19 panic more dangerous than the disease, say Catholic philosopher, doctor https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/covid-19-panic-more-dangerous-than-the-disease-say-catholic-philosopher-doctor?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=standard

3] Watch Fr. Altman Decimate Joe Biden’s Claim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pspjHRadk-Q&feature=youtu.be

3a] Eleven Successors of the apostles Bishop & Cardinals say you can’t vote for the party that supports abortion

4] Millennial and Gen Z Catholics love Carlo Acutis. Here’s why https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/millennials-and-gen-z-catholics-love-carlo-acutis-heres-why-27150