14 Dec 2020 – USCCB President Appoints a Committee to “Navigate” Complex Issues of a Biden Presidency

Today’s Topics:

1] The importance of a Morning Offering to God – https://www.catholicace.com/good-morning-with-god/

2] Sydney Powell – Evidence that votes could be changed without detection.

3] Fr. Frank Pavone explains why the battle for the election is far from over – https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/fr-frank-pavone-explains-why-the-battle-for-the-election-is-far-from-over?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=standard

4] President of the USCCB, Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles, has appointed a committee to “navigate” the complex issues of abortion, same sex marriage, etc. that Mr. Biden supports as a Catholic, indirect opposition to the teachings of the Church https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/11/20/joe-biden-catholics-torn-on-president-elect-views-on-abortion/6354837002/