16 Mar 2020 – Question on Porn & seeing demons everywhere

Today’s Topics: 1-2) Question: I need to work harder to stop being in mortal sin so much. MyAchilles heel is […]

Today’s Topics:

1-2) Question: I need to work harder to stop being in mortal sin so much. MyAchilles heel is lust and I’m concerned about this virus. Any advice on what Ican do to stay in a state of Grace for longer periods and hopefully for good?

3-4) I went back to Mass andconfession a couple of weeks ago, after 4 years. Then shortly afterward, mybathroom wall tile patterns took on a whole new look. There are demonic facesin the tiles now. It is like they were manufactured that way but if they were,I never noticed before! Without going into specifics, I’m seeing demons everywhere.Why is this happening?  

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