20 Apr 21 – Jesse Romero: No Jab for Me!

1) Video shows Los Angeles Sheriffs force-vaccinating disabled and special needs and homeless people https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/horrific-video-shows-police-force-vaccinating-disabled-and-special-needs-people My blog https://jesseromero.com/blog/no-jab-me 2) Gov. Ricketts […]

1) Video shows Los Angeles Sheriffs force-vaccinating disabled and special needs and homeless people

My blog

2) Gov. Ricketts Declares Nebraska a “Second Amendment Sanctuary State”

3, 4) Federal Government caught buying “fresh” flesh of aborted babies who could have survived as preemiesAmericans should be outraged their government participates in the wide-scale human trafficking operation that created a market for harvesting the organs of murdered infants

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