20 Mar 23 – Fortitude and the Right To Life with John Hinterlong

Today’s Topics: 1) Fortitude is the strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Fortitude is the strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear
pain or adversity with courage. In our battle for life, fortitude is needed to persevere,

2) Brother Knight John Hinterlong from Council 15089 and Chairman of the Board of the Right to Life League talks about his journey back into the Catholic faith. A three-hour confession and the penance associated with it led him into the pro-life movement,

3) John tells of his work as a producer for the pro-life movie, “Unplanned.” He explains that fortitude was needed to see the project through its fruition,

4) The Right to Life League is the oldest pro-life organization in the nation with its inception in 1968. It continues its good works today by advocating for women even if they have had an abortion.


Theme: “Salve Regina” performed by Floriani. All rights reserved. Used with permission. For more information please visit Floriani.org

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