22 Jul 2019 – Fraternal Correction, Illegal Immigration & Transgender Ideology

Today’s Topics:

1] John 20:1-18 Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for? 

*Feast of St Mary Magdalene – pray for us

2] Bishop Barron was interviewed by Dr. Jordan Peterson about the Church and preaching false mercy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0Bf7bfJTI8

2a] Washington Post: Most Mexicans Oppose Francis’s Illegal Immigration Mania http://catholicmonitor.blogspot.com/2019/07/washington-post-most-mexicans-oppose.html?m=1

3] Transgender ideology riddled with contradictions – here are the big ones – https://www.heritage.org/gender/commentary/transgender-ideology-riddled-contradictions-here-are-the-big-ones

4] 10 Reasons Why Transgenderism Is the Family’s Worst Enemy https://www.tfpstudentaction.org/blog/10-reasons-why-transgenderism-is-the-familys-worst-enemy

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