23 Aug 21 – Charity in Action

Today’s Topics: 1) Mark & Greg discuss the greatest of the three Theological Virtues, and Charity. Saint Thomas Aquinas expressed […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Mark & Greg discuss the greatest of the three Theological Virtues, and Charity. Saint Thomas Aquinas expressed that they are infused into our souls by God alone and we are aware of them through Divine Revelation. The Knights of Columbus help Catholic men to live a life a Charity through the Faith in Action programs

2) Guest, Gil Vargas from Knights of Columbus Alhambra Council 2431 joins Mark & Greg to share his journey in the Order which lead him to become a Deacon

3) Grand Knight Ernie Vasquez of Alhambra Council 2431 shares his experience of joining the Order which increased his faith beyond just placing money in the collection basket

4) In the final segment Deacon Gil talks about Alhambra Council’s online daily Rosary and how the American Wheelchair Initiative, which is an order-wide program, started with Council 2431. GK Ernie tells the story of assisting an elderly woman in need through the Knights’ Program, “No Neighbor Left Behind.” The Council brought her groceries during the pandemic lockdown

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