23 Oct 2019 – Was there a Recent Forced Papal Resignation? Was a Recent Pope Poisoned? Was a Recent Pope Threatened?

Today’s Topics: 1) Luke 12:39-48 Much will be required of the person entrusted with much 1a) St John of Capistrano […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Luke 12:39-48 Much will be required of the person entrusted with much

1a) St John of Capistrano pray for us

2) Is it possible that the Vatican Gay lobby forced Pope Benedict’s resignation


3) Mobster claims he helped POISON Pope John Paul I with cyanide and threatened to kill Pope John Paul II because they both tried to expose a billion dollar stock fraud scam involving cardinals and gangsters in Vatican City


4) The number of sexually transmitted diseases in the U. S. has continued to rise for the fifth straight year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with officials pointing to drug use, decreased condom use and reduced access to health services as just a few of the reasons – http://flip.it/fasp.5

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