24 Apr 23 – Easter, Acts, and the Didache

Today’s Topics:

1) Easter season which is upon us and we declare “Christus Resurrexit!” and respond”Resurrexit Vere!” This means “Christ is Risen” and we respond “He is Risen Indeed!” We follow this with the overview of the 5th Book of the New Testament, which is the Acts of the Apostles,

2) We cover a more of the Acts and then discuss the Didache (did-a-kay) which is an account of the early life of the Church under the Apostles, written in Greek and is sort of the owner’s manual for the Christian,

3) The Acts of the Apostles, chapter 5 versus 34 to 42 is read and discussed. This is one of the earliest accounts in which Christians realize and embrace the fact that they will be persecuted for their Faith but continue, knowing that their rewards will be great in Heaven for living a life as Christ taught us,

4) The second part of the Acts of the Apostles deals with the conversion of Saint Paul and how he is an example to all of us as he started as a sinner and persecutor of the early Christian and through his conversion became one of the best evangelizers. The early Christians were called “followers of the Way”and it wasn’t until later that Saint Evodius, the second Bishop of Antioch, coined the term “Christian.” We also discuss the meaning of the term “Bishop.”

Theme: “Salve Regina” performed by Floriani. All rights reserved. Used with permission. For more information please visit Floriani.org

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