24 Oct 22 – Pray the Rosary with Gilbert Alderete

Today’s Topics: 1) Mark opens the show with a few stories of the events of the past week which were […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Mark opens the show with a few stories of the events of the past week which were a whirlwind of events, a trip to New Haven, Ct, his son’s visit to the hospital and a Eucharistic procession. The segment finishes with a brief introduction to the Holy Rosary,

2) Our guest, Gilbert Alderete from the Catholic Men’s Fellowship of California tells us about his organization and all of the good works they do for the Catholic man in need of support. He tells us that good men need support to remain or return to their Catholic faith,

3) Gilbert discusses his journey in the Faith and how his fellowship and prayer life have made him the man he is today. The Holy Rosary is one of the important “weapons” we can arm ourselves with to combat the evil we men face on a daily basis,

4) The show closes with a discussion on the 15 promises the Virgin Mary gave to Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche, for anyone who prays the Holy Rosary daily. In addition, you may receive either a plenary or partial indulgence from reciting the Holy Rosary regularly.
Visit: Catholic Men’s Fellowship of California

Theme: “Salve Regina” performed by Floriani. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
For more information please visit Floriani.org

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