25 Nov 2019 – Christ the King – Nothing Else Will Matter at the End

Today’s Topics: 1] Luke 21:1-4 He noticed a poor widow putting in 2 small coins. 1a] St Catherine of Alexandria […]

Today’s Topics:

1] Luke 21:1-4 He noticed a poor widow putting in 2 small coins.

1a] St Catherine of Alexandria pray for us.

2] The Spirit of Hollywood Versus the Spirit of the Cross https://www.returntoorder.org/2018/12/the-spirit-of-hollywood-versus-the-spirit-of-the-cross/?pkg=rtoe0799

3] Why Christ is our King https://catholicexchange.com/why-christ-is-our-king

3a]  How Christ relieves our sufferings https://catholicexchange.com/how-christ-relieves-our-sufferings

4] God’s intervention saves 72 captive Nigerian Christians from Boko Haram firing squad https://barnabasfund.org/en/news/gods-intervention-saves-72-captive-nigerian-christians-from-boko-haram-firing-squad

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