27 Jun 2019 – “Kitoko Oyo” This Beauty

Today’s Topics:   Segment One: News and Updates from Barbara    Segment Two:  Meet Sarah Davidson-Tracy and seeds of exchange […]

Today’s Topics:


Segment One: News and Updates from Barbara    Segment Two:  Meet Sarah Davidson-Tracy and seeds of exchange ministry    Segment Three: Sarah’s project partner with women in Africa and the “Kitoko Oyo” project   Segment Four: Review of Late Night and Toy Story Four by Barbara     Bio:  Sarah Davison-Tracy | Author, Speaker, Activist & Founder. Whether traveling the globe or nestled in the backyard of her home in Colorado with her husband and two beloved children, Sarah Davison-Tracy is a devoted human rights advocate, author, speaker, and founder of Seeds of Exchange (seedsofexchange.org). Seeds of Exchange is a collective of everyday people who are committed to light up the world so that a mighty  difference can be made together. We do what we do because we believe that we belong to each other and that each and every person matters. We passionately work to make an indelible dent in global human rights and in one another’s day-to-day lives. These fundamental and fiercely held values fuel us as we make our way, together: You belong here. We belong to each other. Let’s stand TALL together and light up the world.   Our Seeds of Exchange June fundraising focus: “Kitoko Oyo” – Lingala for “This Beauty” – is a community multimedia project & platform that explores the beautiful, untold stories of strength, resilience, and hope found within the Congolese people. Our $2,000 goal for this project has been kicked off by a $500 donation – and this $2,000 is the budget needed to pay the salaries of the local team in the Congo.  kitoko-oyo.com

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