28 May 2020 – American Society’s Diabolical Disorientation

Today’s Topics: 1) Gospel – JN 17:20-26 – May they all be one Bishop Sheen quote of the day 2) The happy threesome […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Gospel – JN 17:20-26 – May they all be one

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

2) The happy threesome couple buys a home https://www.crisismagazine.com/2020/the-happy-throuple-buys-a-home

Women are marrying themselves. But it’s not a wedding worth celebrating https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/women-are-marrying-themselves.-but-its-not-a-wedding-worth-celebrating

3) Bernardin, seamless garment or political comforter

4) How Saint Alphonsus tamed Mount Vesuvius