16 Aug 21 – In the Beginning

Today’s Topics: 1) Introductions of hosts Mark Edward Padilla and Gregg Keller. Guest host – Joe Saliaz, Past California State […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Introductions of hosts Mark Edward Padilla and Gregg Keller. Guest host – Joe Saliaz, Past California State Deputy of The Knights of Columbus

God and then family first!
Mark’s past leadership roles within the Knights of Columbus

2) Gregg’s story of joining the Knights of Columbus and positions he has held within the organization

Joe Saliaz’s experience as a Grand Knight, District Deputy, Chapter President, and as leader of all Knights in the State of California as the State Deputy

3, 4) Joe’s story continues as California State Deputy and leading the giving of wheelchairs to the needy in Mexico, helping those who lost homes from wildfires in Paradise, California, giving in the Coats for Kids program, the Ultrasound Initiative, and the beginning of the Prayers in the Pews Program

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