01 Aug 22 – Director of Planned Parenthood Converts

Today’s Topics:  1) Heidi Matzke told congress that a man approached her pregnancy care center armed with a machete  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nKRc_WKl5s […]

Today’s Topics: 

1) Heidi Matzke told congress that a man approached her pregnancy care center armed with a machete 

Mayra Rodriguez (former Director of Planned Parenthood, AZ): “First time I saw him (Bishop Olmsted) pray the Rosary was outside my former place of work back in 2002 he prayed for me since then. He is a big part of my story” 

2) Pregnancy care center director: We’ve been forced to spend up to $150K just to protect ourselves 

3) Almost 60 pregnancy centers have been attacked since May, with no word from the Biden Administration. We will hold our public officials accountable 

4) DOJ official disparages attack victims: Kristen Clarke, who heads up the DOJ’s civil rights division and would therefore be the point-person for any investigation of attacks on pro-life pregnancy care centers, has criticized such centers as “harmful,” “predatory,” and “fake.” Her resurfaced comments from 2018 have fueled further speculation about why the Justice Department is refusing to take aggressive action against an ongoing rash of pro-abortion terror attacks on pro-life clinics 

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