28 Nov 22 – Encore: Happy New Year!

Today’s Topics: Knight Moves discusses the Liturgical New Year 1) Greg and Mark introduce the Liturgical Calendar and how it […]

Today’s Topics:

Knight Moves discusses the Liturgical New Year

1) Greg and Mark introduce the Liturgical Calendar and how it derived from both the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Holy Bible. The Liturgical Calendar follows the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus,

2) Guest, Father Budi Wardhana from St. Lucy Catholic Church in Long Beach in California talks about his journey to the United States of America and into the priesthood. As a seminarian, he served at St. Lucy’s and was asked to become a Knight of Columbus,

3) California State Council Advocate, James Larson, joins the show and talks about his conversion into the Catholic faith and how that lead him into the Knights of Columbus. As the State Program director last Columbian Year, the monthly activities for the State were selected to coincide with the Liturgical Year,

4) Both Father Budi and Jim rejoin and Jim details the reception of the Father Juan Perez Award for Southern California. This award recognizes the outstanding contributions from the priest who most exemplifies the virtues of courage and sacrifice.

Theme Song: “Salve Regina” performed by Floriani. All rights reserved. Used with permission. For more information please visit Floriani.org

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