20 Aug 2019 – Liberals, Catholic Schools and Anti-Catholic Politicians

Today’s Topics:


1a] Matthew 19:23-30 – It is Easier for a Camel to go Through the Eye of a Needle, than for a Rich Man to Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven

1] Saint Bernard Pray for us


2] Science says Liberals, not Conservatives, are Psychotic

Danika Fears https://nypost.com/2016/06/09/science-says-liberal-beliefs-are-linked-to-pyschotic-traits/


3] A Priest’s Powerful Plea to Parents, Catholic Schools are only Catholic with your help


3a] That’s a Scandal”: Cardinal Burke Rebukes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, says Capitol Hill Attacks Catholic Faith



4] Archbishop warns Against Satanic Temples/ First Black Mass in Canada, we need to pray


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