01 Mar 2021 – Amazing Organization: “Every Black Life Matters (EBLM)”

Today’s Topics: 1) Pope’s new doctor debunks C19 alarmism Pope’sNew Doctor Debunks COVID Alarmism (churchmilitant.com) Billionaire globalist, Bill Gates, just […]

Today’s Topics:

1) Pope’s new doctor debunks C19 alarmism
Pope’sNew Doctor Debunks COVID Alarmism (churchmilitant.com)

Billionaire globalist, Bill Gates, just made this chilling threat to all Americans

I found the most amazing organization today: Every Black Life Matters, committed to opposing actual racism, not the nonsense BLM claims is racist, but from a Christian standpoint. They are pro-law enforcement, pro-free markets, pro-Life, and pro-nuclear family.  I spent a couple of hours tonight watching their videos and they are SPOT ON!

3, 4) Justification by faith alone or Justification by Faith and works?

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