Jesus 911

Three ex-cops on fire with the Catholic Faith: Jesse Romero, Eddie Chavez and Ruben Nava share true stories of spiritual warfare from the streets of L.A. Join the SOUL PATROL as they take on the world, the flesh and the devil with “just the facts!”

26 May 2020 – Pachamama, Pope Francis, and the Pandemic

Today’s Topics: 1, 2) Pachamama, Pope Francis, and the pandemic 3, 4) Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former head of the Congregation for […]

21 May 2020 – Arrest Bill Gates for Crimes against Humanity

Today’s Topics: 1, 2, 3) Arrest Bill Gates for crimes against humanity 4) NHL All-Star MVP Joins Catholic Roster.

19 May 2020 – How the Wuhan Virus Shutdown Favors Green “De-Development”

Today’s Topics: 1) Police officer suspended for criticizing the “tyrannical” lockdown 2) Media ignores SEVEN women’s claims that Biden

14 May 2020 – Cardinals join Appeal against Denial of Basic Freedoms

Today’s Topics: 1, 2) Three cardinals join global appeal decrying crackdown on basic freedoms over coronavirus 3) Michigan health

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