The Terry & Jesse Show

Full Contact Catholicism! Terry Barber and Jesse Romero are two men, by the grace of God, ready to set your soul on fire with the love of Jesus! This dynamic duo has been sharing the Catholic truth without compromise on traditional broadcast radio for eleven years – and they’re just getting started! Well-known for their straight talk and power preaching, Terry and Jesse daily inform and inspire with clarity and charity.

15 Aug 2019 – False Renewal, Holding a Crucifix and an Orthodox Bishop

Today’s Topics: 1] Luke 1:39-56 The Almighty has done great things for me; he has raised up the lowly. 1a] The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary CCC 966 2] The “renewal” of the JPII Institute is a purge—and everyone knows it 3] Boy holding crucifix hauled away – 3a] Orthodox Bishop Under Investigation For Comments […]

15 Aug 2019 – False Renewal, Holding a Crucifix and an Orthodox Bishop Read More »

14 Aug 2019 – Immigration, Renewal and Real Presence

  Today’s Topics: 1] Matt 18:15-20 If your brother listens to you, you have won him over.     1a] St Maximilian Kolbe – pray for us. 2] Uncovering the Emigration Policies of the Catholic Church in Mexico. MAY 21, 2009 By David Fitzgerald – The first mass wave of emigration from Mexico too 3] The “renewal” of the JPII Institute is

14 Aug 2019 – Immigration, Renewal and Real Presence Read More »

13 Aug 2019 – Mass Shootings and Eucharistic Miracles

Today’s Topics: 1] Matt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 See that you do not despise one of these little ones. 2] Here’s What A Criminology Professor Learned By Studying Every Mass Shooting Since 1966 3] Why the mass shootings will continue – 4] The 13th C. Nun Who Fearlessly Defeated an Army With the Eucharist

13 Aug 2019 – Mass Shootings and Eucharistic Miracles Read More »

12 Aug 2019 – This is What a Brave, Manly, Orthodox Cardinal Sounds Like

Today’s Topics: 1] Matthew 17:22-27 Our Lord speaks on his death, resurrection & paying taxes. 2] Catholic Cardinal: Pro-Abortion Politicians “May Not Present Themselves to Receive Holy Communion” – 2a] Cardinal Pell: ‘Amazon or no Amazon, the Church cannot allow any confusion’ 3] The link between pot and mass shootings may be closer than

12 Aug 2019 – This is What a Brave, Manly, Orthodox Cardinal Sounds Like Read More »

09 Aug 2019 – Is there a Connection between Morality and Violence?

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:01 — 34.6MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | Pandora | iHeartRadio | Blubrry | JioSaavn | Podchaser | Gaana | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | Anghami | RSS | More

09 Aug 2019 – Is there a Connection between Morality and Violence? Read More »

08 Aug 2019 – The Source & Summit of our Faith

Today’s Topics: 1] Gospel Matt 16:13-23 You are Peter, I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven. 1a] St Dominic de Guzman pray for us. 1b] Just one-third of U.S. Catholics agree with their church that Eucharist is body, blood of Christ 2,3] What every Catholic should know about the Eucharist

08 Aug 2019 – The Source & Summit of our Faith Read More »

07 Aug 2019 – Politics & Catholicism

Toay’s Topics: 1] Matt 15:21-28 O Woman great is your faith. 1a] St Sixtus II and his companion martyrs – pray for us. 2] US priest: Leaving God out of politics is ‘illogical, immoral, and un-American’ 3] The Pill Bomb: Hormonal contraception is bad for people and the planet by Richard Delorfano July 19,

07 Aug 2019 – Politics & Catholicism Read More »

06 Aug 2019 – Who is Dismantling the John Paul II Institute?

Today’s Topics: 1] Luke 9:28-36 While Jesus was praying his face changed in appearance.   2] Sick of shootings, promote authentic Catholicism for a change –   3] John Paul II institute students launch website to voice objections to sweeping changes –   4] Former professor laments destruction of Rome’s John Paul II institute

06 Aug 2019 – Who is Dismantling the John Paul II Institute? Read More »

05 Aug 2019 – El Paso and Dayton Shootings: What Could be the Cause?

Today’s Topics: 1] Gospel Matt 14:31-21 Looking up to heaven He said the blessing & gave the loaves to the disciples. 2] El Paso & Dayton shootings – What could be the cause? 3&4] Jesse will be on the Al Kresta Show live, Terry will do the last two segments. Podcast: Play in new window

05 Aug 2019 – El Paso and Dayton Shootings: What Could be the Cause? Read More »

02 Aug 2019 – One Man’s Walk into the Catholic Church, Guest: Rob Auten

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:01 — 34.6MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | Pandora | iHeartRadio | Blubrry | JioSaavn | Podchaser | Gaana | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | Anghami | RSS | More

02 Aug 2019 – One Man’s Walk into the Catholic Church, Guest: Rob Auten Read More »