26 Jun 2019 – Bad Laws, Transgenderism, Lies and the Death Penalty

Today’s Topics: 1] Gospel Matt 7:15-20 By their fruits you will know them 2] On top of SB 360 in […]

Today’s Topics:

1] Gospel Matt 7:15-20 By their fruits you will know them

2] On top of SB 360 in California, more totalitarian, communist like laws passed by the Democrats in Congress.   This will affect ALL of us, our families,  our children our schools,  our church, our way of life.  Please read , be informed, and be alarmed. https://www.heritage.org/gender/heritage-explains/the-equality-act

3] Prominent gay atheist, transgenderism is a lie – https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/prominent-gay-atheist-transgenderism-is-a-lie

4] How US bishops’ vote on death penalty in catechism contradicts word of God https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/why-the-us-bishops-voted-to-put-error-in-the-american-catechism

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